Photo Essays
This section will feature body of photographic work shot with a purpose on a specific subject or theme. While each frame or visual may have its own appeal, but the collection as a whole will be far more meaningful. The value is because of the collection being meaningful and not merely due to the number of pictures in the collection. The Photo Essay is designed to offer a deeper insight to the viewer of the subject being shot.

The rock patterns and textures at Bhimbetka, are storytellers by themselves. They narrate a long tale of what was happening there in terms of geology, weather, arrival of humans and possibly many more things. The inhabitants at Bhimbetka rock shelters created their artistic expressions over a long period estimated from 30,000 B.C. to 5,000 B.C. In many instances, one can see artworks at the same place done over different periods in time.
Life as seen from Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

While the hills of Darjeeling are beautiful with stunning views of the mountains and valleys, travel in Darjeeling Himalayan Railway gives a totally different perspective. It takes you close to the hard working people of Darjeeling hills, of the yet to be formed Gorkhaland. You get up close to all kinds - children playing, families, students rushing to their school, shopkeepers waiting for the customers, construction workers toiling on road repairs, jobless youth staring into an uncertain future, retired babus chatting their hearts out and the list goes on....