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My pictures with their little stories
Craze of Selfies


Craze of Selfies
Nothing has caught the imagination of the masses more than shooting selfies. Today we have people from all walks of life shooting selfies and be in a mad race to post these on social media to receive that instant gratification of likes.

In a way this is wonderful. Why should only the actors and models post their good looking faces and bodies ? Aren't we all beautiful ? The message is loud and clear. We now live in a time where everyone wants to see "khudka photu" everywhere at all times - Prime Minister with a state guest (selfie diplomacy), a cricketer after a good innings, a chef with a new creation, a guest who has just eaten it, an artist with a new painting, a musician at a concert, a surgeon after an operation, a patient as soon as the surgery is done, friends at a pub, each birthday celebration - before cake cutting, while cutting and being fed after cutting......and the list goes on. No one wants to be left behind.